Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan or the Central and Western Rajpoot States of India (set of 2 Vols) paperback

Gyan Books
| Author:
James Tod
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| Format:
Gyan Books
James Tod


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The author has prepared the text of this multi-volume painstakingly. It spreads over an endless expanse of rocks and ravines, Rajasthan is rich in scenic splendours and age-old cultural traditions. Starting right from Stone Age, Rajasthan has witnessed various historical and cultural upheavals.

The region became much more important when indigenous ruling houses from different parts of India began to be threatened by foreign onslaughts, masses of uprooted people started taking shelter over this area under different compulsions. The author’s eighteen years the last five years being spent as the Political Agent in Mewar, Marwar, Jaisalmer, Kotah, Bundi and Sirohi, long and intimate association with the Rajputs and their country largely enabled him to become well acquainted with their history, folk traditions and society. This book, after its publication brought to entire world not only the resounding echoes of drums and cavalcades from the remote highlands of Rajasthan, awakening people to a blazing trial of imagination about the traditions of courage, chivalry, romance and sacrifice but also its geographical background, economic resources, social system, political organization and religion.

This book has been considered by scholars as an indispensable storehouse of material dealing with various facets which usually find no place in any historical account and has thus rightly been called ‘an encyclopaedia on the land including some parts of central and western India in general and Rajasthan and the Rajputs in particular. It contains a portrait of the author. About the Author: – Lieutenant-Colonel James Todd was an officer of the British East India Company and an Oriental scholar.


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The author has prepared the text of this multi-volume painstakingly. It spreads over an endless expanse of rocks and ravines, Rajasthan is rich in scenic splendours and age-old cultural traditions. Starting right from Stone Age, Rajasthan has witnessed various historical and cultural upheavals.

The region became much more important when indigenous ruling houses from different parts of India began to be threatened by foreign onslaughts, masses of uprooted people started taking shelter over this area under different compulsions. The author’s eighteen years the last five years being spent as the Political Agent in Mewar, Marwar, Jaisalmer, Kotah, Bundi and Sirohi, long and intimate association with the Rajputs and their country largely enabled him to become well acquainted with their history, folk traditions and society. This book, after its publication brought to entire world not only the resounding echoes of drums and cavalcades from the remote highlands of Rajasthan, awakening people to a blazing trial of imagination about the traditions of courage, chivalry, romance and sacrifice but also its geographical background, economic resources, social system, political organization and religion.

This book has been considered by scholars as an indispensable storehouse of material dealing with various facets which usually find no place in any historical account and has thus rightly been called ‘an encyclopaedia on the land including some parts of central and western India in general and Rajasthan and the Rajputs in particular. It contains a portrait of the author. About the Author: – Lieutenant-Colonel James Todd was an officer of the British East India Company and an Oriental scholar.

About Author

James Tod was a British army colonel and Political Agent of Rajasthan from 1818to 1822.


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