A Day With Inspiring Leaders: Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mother Teresa

Rupa Publications India
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Do you know who made South Africa a democracy or the man who led a non-violent revolution
to free India from Great Britain?

A Day With series features fascinating lives of some of the world’s most influential personalities.
Books in this series will take you back in time to meet inspiring individuals and discover how these
trailblazers made a lasting impact on the world and continue to inspire generations today.

Through vivid illustrations and engaging storytelling, this book will captivate young readers and teach
them about the power of determination, innovation and compassion. This book is perfect for children
who dream of making a difference and want to learn more about the heroes who paved the way.


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Do you know who made South Africa a democracy or the man who led a non-violent revolution
to free India from Great Britain?

A Day With series features fascinating lives of some of the world’s most influential personalities.
Books in this series will take you back in time to meet inspiring individuals and discover how these
trailblazers made a lasting impact on the world and continue to inspire generations today.

Through vivid illustrations and engaging storytelling, this book will captivate young readers and teach
them about the power of determination, innovation and compassion. This book is perfect for children
who dream of making a difference and want to learn more about the heroes who paved the way.

About Author

At Moonstone, an exclusive team of editors and designers are responsible for the curation of children’s books which not only help with cognitive growth but also enhance your child’s basic comprehensibility of the world. The team is dedicated to bringing a wave of fresh books catering to age-specific content that can make your child stand out in the crowd. Extensive research is done before planning the outlay of the book to serve specifically to the needs of initial brain development. Our goal is to bring interesting and entertaining content which will help your children master foundational qualitative, quantitative and verbal skills. Moonstone is here to make an optimistic difference in the mental growth of your child!


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