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Unicorns, Hype, and Bubbles

Harriman House
| Author:
Jeffrey Funk
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Harriman House
Jeffrey Funk


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New technologies are an investment minefield. Putting money behind them means taking a risk on unproven ventures, often from inexperienced (and potentially unscrupulous) developers. While some will lead the investor to fantastic gains, many others turn out to be mere bubbles – a flimsy veneer of excitement and hype with little profitable at the core.

But ignoring these technologies can be even worse, as this can mean failing to capitalise on the next great step in innovation. From cryptocurrencies, blockchain, the metaverse, Web3, and NFTs, to self-driving vehicles, delivery drones, solid state batteries, eVTOLs, and more, technology bubbles have been inflating and popping for many years. Each time a bubble pops, tens if not hundreds of billions of investment dollars disappear with them.

Unicorns, Hype, and Bubbles arms the reader with the tools required to differentiate between bubbles and genuine, sustainable technological revolutionaries.

Under the expert tutelage of Jeffrey Funk, you will learn:

• The economics of modern businesses and how they lead to bubbles forming.

• How to assess new technologies to sift viable investments from hype-driven bubbles.

• That you can be a far better judge of new technologies than so-called “industry experts”.

• How to identify exciting new opportunities in a world of money-losing startups.


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New technologies are an investment minefield. Putting money behind them means taking a risk on unproven ventures, often from inexperienced (and potentially unscrupulous) developers. While some will lead the investor to fantastic gains, many others turn out to be mere bubbles – a flimsy veneer of excitement and hype with little profitable at the core.

But ignoring these technologies can be even worse, as this can mean failing to capitalise on the next great step in innovation. From cryptocurrencies, blockchain, the metaverse, Web3, and NFTs, to self-driving vehicles, delivery drones, solid state batteries, eVTOLs, and more, technology bubbles have been inflating and popping for many years. Each time a bubble pops, tens if not hundreds of billions of investment dollars disappear with them.

Unicorns, Hype, and Bubbles arms the reader with the tools required to differentiate between bubbles and genuine, sustainable technological revolutionaries.

Under the expert tutelage of Jeffrey Funk, you will learn:

• The economics of modern businesses and how they lead to bubbles forming.

• How to assess new technologies to sift viable investments from hype-driven bubbles.

• That you can be a far better judge of new technologies than so-called “industry experts”.

• How to identify exciting new opportunities in a world of money-losing startups.

About Author

Jeffrey Funk is a retired professor, now a consultant and Fellow at the Discovery Institute, and a winner of the NTT DoCoMo Mobile Science Award. He has 45 years of experience as a professor, consultant, and engineer in the U.S., Japan, and Singapore, the type of experience needed to see through the current hype about new technologies and startups. His PhD was from Carnegie-Mellon. He was most recently an Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore. He has written five books and more than 50 academic papers, earning himself an excellent reputation for financial guidance on LinkedIn, where he has upwards of 41,000 followers.


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