The Mystery of Haverford House

| Author:
Rachel Burton
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Rachel Burton


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1933. Annie Bishop is sixteen years old when she first climbs the steps of Haverford House ready to take service as a maid. She knows her place until, during a summer of high society, she crosses paths with wealthy America heir, Thomas Everard. In his arms, Annie dares to dream of a different life.

Until she vanishes without a trace.

2003. Viola Hendricks knows what it’s like to dream big. So when she reads about Annie’s disappearance shortly before she sees an advert for a job at Haverford House, it seems fate is at work. Five years later, when the house faces closure, Viola is determined to do everything she can to keep it open. What’s not in her plans is enigmatic American Chase Matthews, with an agenda of his own…

If they want to save Haverford House, they must look for answers together – but are they prepared for the truth about what really happened to Annie Bishop?


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1933. Annie Bishop is sixteen years old when she first climbs the steps of Haverford House ready to take service as a maid. She knows her place until, during a summer of high society, she crosses paths with wealthy America heir, Thomas Everard. In his arms, Annie dares to dream of a different life.

Until she vanishes without a trace.

2003. Viola Hendricks knows what it’s like to dream big. So when she reads about Annie’s disappearance shortly before she sees an advert for a job at Haverford House, it seems fate is at work. Five years later, when the house faces closure, Viola is determined to do everything she can to keep it open. What’s not in her plans is enigmatic American Chase Matthews, with an agenda of his own…

If they want to save Haverford House, they must look for answers together – but are they prepared for the truth about what really happened to Annie Bishop?

About Author

Rachel Burton has been making up stories for as long as she can remember and always dreamed of being a writer until life somehow got in the way. After reading for a degree in Classics and another in English Literature she accidentally fell into a career in law, but eventually managed to write her first book on her lunch breaks. She loves words, Shakespeare, tea, The Beatles, dresses with pockets and very tall romantic heroes (not necessarily in that order) and lives with her husband in Yorkshire. Find her on Instagram and Twitter @RachelBWriter


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