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You’ve Got the Wrong Girl

Bloomsbury Publishing
| Author:
Sreemoyee Piu Kundu
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Bloomsbury Publishing
Sreemoyee Piu Kundu


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What if the wrong girl is the one right for you?

On a sultry night, on a deserted lawn overlooking a moonlit Taj Mahal, two strangers make passionate love and promise never to meet again… But promises are meant to be broken, right? This is the story of Dushyant Singh Rathore – the 30-something bestselling author of Kinda Cliched, a blockbuster romance novel based on his one night of bliss with a girl whose name he does not know. Under pressure to produce a money-spinning sequel – from his obsessive fans, his hit-seeking publisher and a sceptical journalist ready to expose the true-story angle as a marketing gimmick – he sets off, three years on, to find the elusive girl whom he had promised never to seek out…
When his quest, many twists and turns later, leads him to the unlikeliest of places, Dushyant discovers there’s a little more to this love story than he had anticipated. Will Dushyant get a second chance at love? What if the wrong girl was really always the right one for him?


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What if the wrong girl is the one right for you?

On a sultry night, on a deserted lawn overlooking a moonlit Taj Mahal, two strangers make passionate love and promise never to meet again… But promises are meant to be broken, right? This is the story of Dushyant Singh Rathore – the 30-something bestselling author of Kinda Cliched, a blockbuster romance novel based on his one night of bliss with a girl whose name he does not know. Under pressure to produce a money-spinning sequel – from his obsessive fans, his hit-seeking publisher and a sceptical journalist ready to expose the true-story angle as a marketing gimmick – he sets off, three years on, to find the elusive girl whom he had promised never to seek out…
When his quest, many twists and turns later, leads him to the unlikeliest of places, Dushyant discovers there’s a little more to this love story than he had anticipated. Will Dushyant get a second chance at love? What if the wrong girl was really always the right one for him?

About Author

What if the wrong girl is the one right for you? On a sultry night, on a deserted lawn overlooking a moonlit Taj Mahal, two strangers make passionate love and promise never to meet again... But promises are meant to be broken, right? This is the story of Dushyant Singh Rathore - the 30-something bestselling author of Kinda Cliched, a blockbuster romance novel based on his one night of bliss with a girl whose name he does not know. Under pressure to produce a money-spinning sequel - from his obsessive fans, his hit-seeking publisher and a sceptical journalist ready to expose the true-story angle as a marketing gimmick - he sets off, three years on, to find the elusive girl whom he had promised never to seek out… When his quest, many twists and turns later, leads him to the unlikeliest of places, Dushyant discovers there's a little more to this love story than he had anticipated. Will Dushyant get a second chance at love? What if the wrong girl was really always the right one for him?


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