Grill My Cheese: From Slumdog Grillionaire to Justin Brieber: 50 of the Greatest Toasted Cheese Sandwiches Ever!

Quadrille Publishing Ltd
| Author:
Nisha Patel
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Quadrille Publishing Ltd
Nisha Patel


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Grill My Cheese includes the 5 ultimate recipes for the world’s most-loved comfort food. With easy-to-follow recipes, including delicious sauces and relishes that can be used with other dishes, this book breathes fresh ideas and a renewed sense of fun into an everyday classic. Brought to you by the London duo Grill My Cheese, whom Buzzfeed voted ‘Top Street Food to Eat This Lifetime’, the recipes include The GMC, a signature cheese blend with b©chamel sauce, Baby Got Mac, a heavenly marriage of pulled pork, mac ‘n’ cheese and BBQ sauce, The PB&J, a combination of homemade ‘American’ cheese, peanut butter, chilli jam and crispy bacon, and Slumdog Grillionaire, an unusual mixture of Indian spiced potato, apple and peanut chutney, onion and of course cheese. Nisha and Nishma also offer ideas for dessert, including the decadent grilled cheese doughnut.


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Grill My Cheese includes the 5 ultimate recipes for the world’s most-loved comfort food. With easy-to-follow recipes, including delicious sauces and relishes that can be used with other dishes, this book breathes fresh ideas and a renewed sense of fun into an everyday classic. Brought to you by the London duo Grill My Cheese, whom Buzzfeed voted ‘Top Street Food to Eat This Lifetime’, the recipes include The GMC, a signature cheese blend with b©chamel sauce, Baby Got Mac, a heavenly marriage of pulled pork, mac ‘n’ cheese and BBQ sauce, The PB&J, a combination of homemade ‘American’ cheese, peanut butter, chilli jam and crispy bacon, and Slumdog Grillionaire, an unusual mixture of Indian spiced potato, apple and peanut chutney, onion and of course cheese. Nisha and Nishma also offer ideas for dessert, including the decadent grilled cheese doughnut.

About Author

Nisha Patel and Nishma Chauhan first met when they worked together in investment banking, but they quickly traded in their power suits and late nights for kitchen aprons and early wake-up calls when they started their street food business, Grill My Cheese, in Spring 213. Having always loved a cheese melt, but after seeing a lot of synthetic white bread and processed grilled cheese in the US, Nisha and Nishma got thinking... what if they could elevate the concept of a grilled cheese and give the humble toastie a modern twist? So Nisha and Nishma have devised 5 delicious and sometimes unusual combinations for fillings within their grilled cheese sandwiches, ranging from mac'n'cheese to fresh salsas, and then given them all memorable names.


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