Dreamnation: Uniting a country with handwritten dreams

Bloomsbury Publishing
| Author:
Saji Mathew
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Bloomsbury Publishing
Saji Mathew


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Let the power of your (handwritten) dreams drive your future.DREAMNATION takes you on an incredible journey to your most compelling dreams – for yourselves, for your society, for your country, for your planet, for that one single thing that matters to you the most. Inspired by the soul-stirring words of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam and based on the dearkalamsir community art project by LetterFarms, this book is a ‘dreampedia’ of handcrafted postcards by fellow citizens that sumptuously celebrates those dreams which doesn’t let you sleep, a dare to live them, and be partakers of a glorious dream nation.Underlining that dream is everywhere, and dreams are for everyone, DREAMNATION aims to unite a country of immense language, cultural and religious diversity through handwritten dreams, enabling to create a generation of dreamers, goal-chasers and achievers.With Foreword by Dr. Kiran Bedi and Preface by Piyush Pandey, DREAMNATION book is a handwritten commendation to dear Kalam sir by putting his soul-touching words into action.


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Let the power of your (handwritten) dreams drive your future.DREAMNATION takes you on an incredible journey to your most compelling dreams – for yourselves, for your society, for your country, for your planet, for that one single thing that matters to you the most. Inspired by the soul-stirring words of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam and based on the dearkalamsir community art project by LetterFarms, this book is a ‘dreampedia’ of handcrafted postcards by fellow citizens that sumptuously celebrates those dreams which doesn’t let you sleep, a dare to live them, and be partakers of a glorious dream nation.Underlining that dream is everywhere, and dreams are for everyone, DREAMNATION aims to unite a country of immense language, cultural and religious diversity through handwritten dreams, enabling to create a generation of dreamers, goal-chasers and achievers.With Foreword by Dr. Kiran Bedi and Preface by Piyush Pandey, DREAMNATION book is a handwritten commendation to dear Kalam sir by putting his soul-touching words into action.

About Author

Let the power of your (handwritten) dreams drive your future.DREAMNATION takes you on an incredible journey to your most compelling dreams - for yourselves, for your society, for your country, for your planet, for that one single thing that matters to you the most. Inspired by the soul-stirring words of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam and based on the dearkalamsir community art project by LetterFarms, this book is a 'dreampedia' of handcrafted postcards by fellow citizens that sumptuously celebrates those dreams which doesn't let you sleep, a dare to live them, and be partakers of a glorious dream nation.Underlining that dream is everywhere, and dreams are for everyone, DREAMNATION aims to unite a country of immense language, cultural and religious diversity through handwritten dreams, enabling to create a generation of dreamers, goal-chasers and achievers.With Foreword by Dr. Kiran Bedi and Preface by Piyush Pandey, DREAMNATION book is a handwritten commendation to dear Kalam sir by putting his soul-touching words into action.


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