Hardy Boys 34: The Hooded Hawk Mystery

Penguin Random House
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The young detectives receive a trained peregrine falcon as a gift that involves them in an exciting mystery. Imagine their astonishment when the swift-flying falcon brings down a homing pigeon carrying two precious rubies! Startling events that ensue indicate the gems are a ransom that has been paid for the release of a kidnapped student from India, who had come to the United States to complete his education. But Tava, the son of a wealthy industrialist, is still being held captive. Hoping to find a clue to Tava’s whereabouts, the Hardys try to track down the owner of the ruby-bearing pigeon. Their every move, however, is thwarted by the dangerous criminals not only involved in the kidnapping, but also in the large-scale smuggling of aliens from India to the United States. How Frank and Joe eventually outwit their adversaries climaxes this thrill-packed mystery adventure.


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The young detectives receive a trained peregrine falcon as a gift that involves them in an exciting mystery. Imagine their astonishment when the swift-flying falcon brings down a homing pigeon carrying two precious rubies! Startling events that ensue indicate the gems are a ransom that has been paid for the release of a kidnapped student from India, who had come to the United States to complete his education. But Tava, the son of a wealthy industrialist, is still being held captive. Hoping to find a clue to Tava’s whereabouts, the Hardys try to track down the owner of the ruby-bearing pigeon. Their every move, however, is thwarted by the dangerous criminals not only involved in the kidnapping, but also in the large-scale smuggling of aliens from India to the United States. How Frank and Joe eventually outwit their adversaries climaxes this thrill-packed mystery adventure.

About Author

Franklin W. Dixon is a pen name used by a variety of authors writing for the classic series, The Hardy Boys. The first and most well-known "Franklin W. Dixon" was Leslie McFarlane, a Canadian author who contributed 19 of the first 25 books in the series. Other writers who have adopted the pseudonym include Christopher Lampton, John Button, Amy McFarlane, and Harriet Stratemeyer Adams.


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